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Valar Institute

Valar Institute - Institut Kepemimpinan Masa Kini.

Valar Institute menawarkan program MBA dan MBA Eksekutif berbasis AI yang revolusioner yang dirancang untuk para profesional ambisius yang ingin mempercepat karier mereka.

Kisah di Balik Valar

Pada tahun 2013, Quantic School of Business and Technology didirikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan akses pendidikan online secara radikal. Inovasi selama hampir satu dekade dalam pembelajaran aktif telah menciptakan pengalaman belajar terbaik di kelasnya dan hasil karier yang luar biasa bagi para siswa.

Selama pandemi global, kami menyadari perlunya menumbuhkan jenis pemimpin baru - individu dengan keterampilan untuk berhasil dalam lingkungan bisnis yang cair, terdistribusi, dan global di abad ke-21. Valar Institute adalah hasil dari pencarian itu. Bergabunglah bersama kami dan jadilah yang terdepan.

Misi kita

Misi Valar Institute adalah menawarkan program pendidikan online yang paling inovatif, berkualitas tinggi, dan terhubung langsung dengan hasil karier yang positif dalam bisnis dan teknologi.


Gelar MBA dan MBA Eksekutif dikelola oleh Valar Institute di Quantic School of Business and Technology. Quantic adalah lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang terakreditasi DEAC, yang memberikan gelar, dilisensikan oleh Kantor Pengawas Pendidikan Negara Bagian (OSSE) Washington, DC.

MBA di Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen

Potensi tinggi mendapatkan pendidikan yang teruji untuk masa depan. Dasar-dasar bisnis inti dipadukan dengan mata kuliah kepemimpinan dan manajemen modern untuk menciptakan gelar yang holistik dan sangat relevan yang sangat penting bagi setiap calon manajer.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang MBA

MBA Eksekutif dalam bidang Kepemimpinan Strategis

Para manajer belajar untuk menjadi pemimpin yang lebih efektif dan persuasif. Mata kuliah strategi mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk menavigasi realitas kompleks dunia bisnis saat ini, sementara mata kuliah manajemen dan kepemimpinan mengajarkan cara memotivasi tim dan mendorong hasil.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang EMBA

Jadilah yang terdepan dengan Valar. Untuk ulasan Valar lainnya, kunjungi situs web kami.

Baca lebih lanjut pada situs web institusi

People Love Our ProgramsValar is powered by the same innovative design and technology that have made Quantic a success.

  • 61 Alumni Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • 99% Lesson Approval
  • 94% Graduates achieved their career goals
  • 97% Students would recommend us to a friend

“It is a breakthrough that re-imagines business education for early adopters who think mobile-first and learn on their own schedule.”

Poets and Quants

“In my 15 years in the education world, Quantic offers the most engaging learning experience of anything I’ve experienced... It continues to hold incredible disruptive potential.”

Michael HornCo-Founder, Clayton Christensen Institute 2023

“It is one of a new breed of digital education companies seeking to challenge the supremacy - and business model - of established academic institutions”

Financial Times

Our Awards

  • Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awardee
  • EdTech Digest: 2024 EdTech Trendsetter Awards Finalist
  • Financial Times: Tech Ventures Shake Up the MBA Marketplace

Valar Executive MBA in Strategic Leadership

Valar MBA in Leadership and Management

    Admission Decisions

    We evaluate candidates on their academic background, career accomplishments, and the thoughtfulness and candor within their application and interview. Ultimately, we are selective in admissions and seek highly motivated professionals who are eager to become more strategic, persuasive, and effective leaders. Each cohort represents students from a diverse set of backgrounds, roles, and industries.

    Admission Criteria

    The Valar MBAin Leadership and Management

    The Valar MBA in Leadership and Management is designed for early career, high-potential professionals with a minimum of 2 years work experience. Prior management experience is not necessary and candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:

    • Undergraduate / Bachelor’s Degree
    • Minimum 2 Years Industry Experience
    • English Language Proficiency

    The Executive MBAin Strategic Leadership

    The program is tailored for mid-career professionals, generally with at least 7 years work experience and a proven record of success. It values, but does not assume, prior management experience, and has the following minimum requirements.

    • Undergraduate / Bachelor’s Degree
    • Minimum 7 Years Industry Experience
    • English Language Proficiency

    The Valar scholarship program empowers enterprising leaders around the globe with affordable access to a selective MBA or Executive MBA. You’ll have the option to request consideration for the following partial scholarships when you apply to Valar. If accepted into a program, you will be notified of any scholarship offer with your accepted student materials.

    Leadership Scholarship

    These are merit-based awards recognizing exceptional academic performance and career achievement. We motivate students from a variety of industry and geographic backgrounds, including Women in Leadership, to build the highest caliber global classes.

    Valar Impact Scholarship

    These merit awards are given to exceptional global candidates based on their commitment to social impact initiatives, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and rising leadership potential.

    Recruitment Scholarship

    This scholarship is offered to students who opt in to our career service that promotes job opportunities at our employer partners. This optional service is part of our employer tuition model that reduces fees for all students.

    Financial Aid Scholarship

    Valar is committed to broadening access to a higher education for high potential global business leaders. These need-based awards support students in financial hardship or living in a global region with economic disadvantages. Students must submit documentation and a personal statement. Award outcomes vary based on demonstrated financial need and available funds.

    Pendidikan yang Menakjubkan

    Metode pengajaran revolusioner kami dan pembelajaran berbasis rekan sejawat menjadikan program MBA dan EMBA Valar yang berfokus pada kepemimpinan selama 12 bulan sebagai gelar bisnis online yang paling mudah diakses, efektif, dan ketat yang tersedia.


    Koneksi yang Bermakna

    Berkolaborasilah dengan rekan global yang luar biasa secara virtual dan langsung dan bergabunglah dalam jaringan lebih dari 15.000 profesional dari perusahaan-perusahaan top dunia.


    Hasil Karir yang Dipercepat

    Manfaatkan kekuatan kurikulum mutakhir dalam strategi, manajemen, dan kepemimpinan untuk menavigasi perubahan dan dapatkan kepercayaan diri untuk unggul dalam peran Anda.

    Lebih Lanjut Tentang Hasil

    Model Pembelajaran yang Mengganggu

    Berkat model biaya kuliah yang inovatif, program kami sangat terjangkau, hanya $800 per bulan untuk gelar MBA atau EMBA selama 12 bulan. Program ini sering kali didanai sebagian atau sepenuhnya oleh penggantian biaya kuliah atau beasiswa dari perusahaan.

    Biaya pendidikan

    Ambil peran utama bersama Valar. Untuk mendengar langsung dari para mahasiswa dan alumni tentang bagaimana Valar telah memengaruhi karier mereka, baca ulasan Valar di sini.


    • Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awardee
    • EdTech Digest: 2024 EdTech Trendsetter Awards Finalist
    • Financial Times: Tech Ventures Shake Up the MBA Marketplace


    Valar Institute merupakan Divisi dari Quantic School of Business and Technology, yang dilisensikan oleh District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission di Washington, DC dan diakreditasi oleh Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). DEAC terdaftar oleh Departemen Pendidikan Amerika Serikat sebagai lembaga akreditasi yang diakui dan juga diakui oleh Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

    Classmate Collaboration

    Challenge and be challenged! Valar’s selective admissions and peer-learning environments promote lively discussions and facilitate case studies and group projects. Students gain a global perspective and form lasting connections with classmates.

    In-Person Events

    Attend optional networking weekends in cities around the world where you’ll participate in workshops, and case studies, and hear from industry leaders. It’s another opportunity to socialize, network, and learn with your amazing peers.

    Student Resources

    Your learning is enhanced with a library, helpful librarians, and Valar faculty and staff. Research advisors and access to paid databases support students with the Capstone project, coursework, and group projects. Resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile consultations help you put your best foot forward and all students enjoy lifelong access to many existing and new courses — yes, you read that correctly. Stay in the lead with in-demand skill sets!

    • Washington

      80 M Street SE Suite 2-196 Washington, DC 20003, US , 20003, Washington



    Valar Institute