Universitas terbaik untuk MBA Program di dalam Belanda 2025
Jumlah institusi: 3
University of Groningen Business School
University of Groningen Business School
- Groningen, Belanda
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Coniche Business School
Coniche Business School
- Houten, Belanda
Coniche Business School (sebelumnya Philipse Business School dan School for Customer Management) telah menjadi otoritas dalam pelatihan dan pendidikan di bidang kontak pelanggan. Kekuatan kami terletak pada pendidikan di persimpangan pemasaran, penjualan dan layanan pelanggan. Kami menyebut bidang keahlian yang menyeluruh ini sebagai 'Manajemen Pelanggan'.
Rotterdam School of Management | Erasmus University
Rotterdam School of Management | Erasmus University
- Rotterdam, Belanda
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...